
What are Ad Opportunities and Ad Requests?

Ad request (source level) shows number of ad calls our ad server received from the supply partner (ad server etc.).

Ad requests (campaign level) shows the number of times we have responded with our wrapper.

Ad opportunity (source level) is the number of times we have responded with our wrapper.

Ad opportunity (campaign level) is the number of times our wrapper was called and we redirected to the demand’s partner VAST.


  • Source level (Channel)

When our tag is activated, it sends an ad call to our server. This ad call is also known as ad request. In other words, ad requests metric shows the number of calls sent to our ad server. Ad opportunity metric shows the number of times we have responded with our wrapper.

  • Campaign level (Advertiser)

Once the wrapper was sent, we deal with the ad request metric on the Campaign level. Ad opportunity metric on campaign level represents the number of times the supply partner has called our wrapper and we redirected to the demand partner’s VAST.